Holcomb Valley
California State Historic Landmark 619
Plaque Photo:

#619 Holcomb Valley
Southern California's largest gold rush followed the discovery of rich placer deposits by William F. Holcomb and Ben Choteau on May 4, 1860. Miners rushed to the valley and established boom towns. Belleville, the largest, rivaled San Bernardino in population and almost became the county seat. Violence and hangings were common in this remote valley. Over time, major placer and quartz mining declined although some activity continues today.

#619 Bellevill Holcomb Valley
Founded in late 1859 Bellevill was named after Belle Van Dusen, the first child born in Holcomb Valley, she was the daughter of Ted Van Dusen, the town blacksmith and early pioneer.
Site Photo:

State plaque at Big Bear Valley Historical Society Museum, Big Bear City Park on Greenway Dr; private plaque at site, 4.8 mi past county dump on Holcomb Valley Rd (3N16).
Return to other landmarks in San Bernardino county.
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Donald Laird