Well 'Hill 4'
California State Historic Landmark 582
Plaque Photo:

#582 First Successful Cement Job
This well, Hill No. 4, spudded September 26, 1905, and completed April 30, 1906, is the first oil well in which a water shut-off was attained by pumping cement through the tubing and behind the casing - forerunner of the modern cementing technique.
It was drilled by Union Oil Company of California to a total depth of 2507 feet, and 1872 feet of 10-inch casing and 2237 feet of 8-inch casing were so securely cemented off that the well subsequently produced for over 45 years.
The development of oil well cementing was one of the most significant events in the history of petroleum technology. It has increased the productive life of thousands of oil wells and has thereby made available for the good of humanity, millions of barrels of oil that might otherwise have remained in subterranean storage.
This monument is also a tribute to a worthy pioneer, Frank F. Hill, under whose direction Hill No. 4 was drilled and to whom the petroleum industry is indebted for initiating the oil well cementing process.
Site Photo:

Mission Hills District; plaque is 1.6 mi N of company office off of Rucker Rd, 5 mi NE of Lompoc. From office, go right at first 4-way intersection (0.6 mi from office), then left at 2nd 4-way intersection (0.4 mi more).
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Donald Laird