Well "Alamitos 1"
California State Historic Landmark 580
Plaque Photo:

#580 Discovery Well
Signal Hill Field
Shell Oil Company - Alamitos No. 1
June 25, 1921
One of the world's most famous wells, Alamitos No. 1 was started on March 23, 1921, and completed June 25, 1921, at a depth of 3,114 feet, flowing 590 barrels of oil a day.
This discovery well led to the development of one of the most productive oil fields in the world and helped to establish California as a major oil producting state.
This monument commemorating Alamitos No. 1 is a tribute to the petroleum pioneers for their success here, a success which has, by aiding in the growth and expansion of the petroleum industry, contributed so much to the welfare of mankind.
Site Photo:

Nothing remains of this site.
NE corner of Temple Ave and Hill St, Signal Hill.
Return to other landmarks in Los Angeles county.
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Donald Laird