Carpinteria and Indian Village of Mishopshnow
California State Historic Landmark 535

#535 La Carpinteria (1769)
The Chumash indian village of "Mishopshnow," discovered by Juan Rodriquez
Cabrillo, August 14, 1541, was located one-fourth mile southwest of here. Fray Juan Crespi of the
Gaspar de Portola expedition named it "San Roque," August 17, 1769. Portola's soldiers, observing
the indians building wooden canoes, called the village "La Carpinteria" - the carpenter shop.

Nothing remains of this site.
Carpinteria Valley Museum of History, 950 Maple Ave; 2nd plaque at 1000 Concha Loma, near Carpenteria Ave, Carpinteria.
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Donald Laird