First Landing Place of Sailing Launch Comet
California State Historic Landmark 437

#437 The Comet - 1846 - First Sail Launch
First known sail launch to ascend San Joaquin River from San Francisco landed here
Autumn, 1846. Carried 20 Mormon pioneers who founded New Hope agricultural project on
Stanislaus. Yoke of oxen and span of mules driven from Marsh's Landing (Antioch) by two men who
followed crude map drawn by Merritt the trapper. Two years later, Doak and Bonsell operated here
the first ferry on San Joaquin River.

Nothing remains of this site.
From I-5 take Louise Ave exit. Take W side frontage road (Manthey) S 1.8 mi to
entrance to Mossdale Crossing Park and Ramp, 2.0 mi N of intersection of I-5
and I-205, Tracy.
Plaque for site #780-7 at same location.
Return to other landmarks in San Joaquin county.
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Site contents copyright 1996-2000 by Donald Laird - all rights reserved
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Donald Laird