Beckwourth Pass
California State Historic Landmark 336
Plaque Photo:

#336 Emigrant Trail
Beckwourth Pass
Elevation 5221
Lowest pass in the Sierra Nevada mountains
Discovered in 1851 by James P. Beckwourth
Dedicated to the discoverer and to the pioneers who passed along this trail by the Las Plumas Parlor No 254 N.D.G.W. May 1937
No desert's waste nor redskins bold could swerve them from this western strand. Naught could their courage e'er dismay in onward trudging day by day - A. W. Wern
Site Photo:

Beckwourth Pass, Hwy 70 (PM 95.8), 1.5 mi E of Chilcoot.
GPS coords: 39° 47.467 N/120° 06.686 W
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Donald Laird