Guillem's Graveyard
California State Historic Landmark 13
Plaque Photo:

#013 Modoc War Casualties
It is difficult today to trace the dispositions of all those killed in action during the Modoc War. This site was first consecrated January 17, 1873, when two soldiers were buried here. It became an official cemetery in April when thirteen enlisted men were brought from the battlefield at Hardin Butte. Officers were taken to private cemeteries in their home towns or to various military cemeteries around the country.
Most enlisted me were buried where they fell on the battlefields. In August, after the war, they were re-interred in this cemetery. In November, 1875, half of them were moved to the cemetery at Fort Klamath. Records do not disclose when the rest were moved. All were taken from Fort Klamath to the Presidio in San Francisco in 1885. With each re-interment, fewer remains were identified. Most of the privates now share a single, common grave.
No remains lie here today, but this cemetery memorializes those who fought and died in various conflicts during the Modoc War of 1872-1873. Their names, gleaned from dozens of historic records, are listed below. Divisions of the US Army that were camped here are listed with their subsequent campaigns. You, a relative, or a friend may have served in one these same units.
Alexander, Robert, 11-29-72
Boddy, William, 11-29-72
Brotherton, William K., 11-29-72
Cravigan, Richard, 11-29-72
Cravigan, William, 11-29-72
Erasmus, Christopher, 11-29-72
Follins, 11-29-72
Hovey, Eugene
Miller, Henry, 11-29-72
Nus, Wendolen, 11-29-72
Schira, Nicholas, 11-29-72
Shearer, Nicholas, 11-29-72
Shillingbow, Adam, 11-29-72
Thomas, Eleazar, 4-11-73
Thurber, Jack, 11-29-72
Tober, John, 11-29-72
Webber, Louis, 4-26-73
Big Ike, 4-15-73
Black Jim, 10-3-73
Boston Charley, 10-3-73
Captain Jack, 10-3-73
Curley Headed Jack, 6-73
Ellen's Man George, 5-10-73
Greasy Boots, 1-17-73
Little John, POW, 6-8-73
Mooch, POW, 6-8-73
Old Tales, 4-15-73
One-eyed Watchman, 11-29-72
Pony, POW, 6-8-73
Schonchin, John, 10-3-73
Shacknasty Frank
Te-he Jack, POW, 6-8-73
Brown, John R., PVT, Oregon Vol. B Co. 1-17-73
Trimble, Frank W., PVT, Oregon Vol. B Co. 1-17-73
Warm Springs Scouts:
Lebastea, 5-10-73
Wassamukka, 5-10-73
Aloin, James E., PVT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Bennam, William F., PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 5-6-73
Benson, John, PVT, 21st Inf, F Co, 1-17-73
Bloom, Louis, PVT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Boyle, William, PVT 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Branner, John, PVT, 21st Inf, C Co, 1-17-73
Canby, Edward R.S., BG, 4-11-73
Clinton, Malachi, 1SG, 12th Inf, E Co, 5-8-73
Colling, John, PVT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Cranston, Arthur, 1LT, 4th Art, M Bat, 4-26-73
Donohue, William G., PVT, 1st Cav, G Trp, 12-22-72
Drew, Edward, CPL, 12th Inf, G Co, 4-15-73
Eads, William, PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Fisher, Aldolphus, PVT, 1st Cav, B Trp, 5-10-73
Flynn, Michael, PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Geil, Fred W., PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Glaerman, Carl, PVT, 21st Inf, B Co, 1-17-73
Harman, Henry C., PVT, 4th Art, E Bat, 4-16-73
Harris, PVT, 1st Cav, B Trp, 11-29-72
Harris, George M., 2LT, 4th Art, K Bat, 5-12-73
Harvard, Francis, PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Hebin, James E., PVT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Hollis, George, PVT, 1st Cav, F Trp, 1-17-73
Howard, Thomas, PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Howe, Albion, 1LT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Johnson, Charles, PVT, 1st Cav, K Trp, 4-15-73
Kernan, F.B., Trp, 4th Art, A Bat
Laselle, Charles W., PVT, 1st Cav, G Trp, 1-17-73
Long, Robert, PVT, 21st Inf, F Co, 1-17-73
Lynch, John, PVT, 4th Art, K Bat, 4-26-73
McGarth, Patrick, PVT, 1st Cav, B Trp, 5-24-73
McMillen, James, PVT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Monroe, James, PVT, 21st Inf, B Co, 1-17-73
Mooney, Lenuce, CPL, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Moran, Edward, BGL, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Morgan, Richard, SGT, 4th Art, E Bat, 4-17-73
Neusbaum, Berthold, PVT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Parker, John, ART, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Ronser, Robert, ISC, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Rose, James, PVT, 4th Art, K Bat, 4-26-73
Searley, William, BGL, 1st Cav, F Trp, 4-15-73
Seelig, Herrman, SGT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Sherwood, William L., 1LT, 21st Inf, E Co, 4-14-73
Smith, Sidny A., PVT, 1st Cav, G Trp, 12-21-72
Smith, William, BGL, 4th Art, M Bat, 4-16-73
St. Clair, Julius, CPL, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
Thomas, Evan, CPT, 4th Art, A Bat, 4-26-73
Tolten, James I., CPL, 1st Cav, B Trp, 5-10-73
Torren, James J., CPL, 1st Cav, B Trp, 5-10-73
Wallace, Michael, PVT, 4th Art, K Bat, 4-26-73
Ward, John, PVT, 4th Art, K Bat, 4-26-73
Welsh, Joseph, PVT, 12th Inf, G Co, 4-20-73
Wright, Thomas F., 1LT, 12th Inf, E Co, 4-26-73
1st Cavalry:
Nez Perces
Indian Wars, Idaho
Indian Wars, Arizona
Indian Wars, Montana
War with Spain
Philippine Insurrection
World War II
Vietnam War
4th Artillery:
Mexican Expedition
World War II
Vietnam War
12th Infantry:
Indian Wars
War with Spain
Philippine Insurrection
World War II
Vietnam War
21st Infantry:
Nez Perces
War with Spain
Philippine Insurrection
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Many wars have occurred since the Modoc War, and many more are yet to be fought. The people involved may change, but the names we call them and the reasons we fight them remain the same. There are no true winners in war. We all pay a price.
Site Photo:

Lava Beds National Monument, 7.5 mi W of NE entrance, 4 mi S of Tule Lake.
GPS coords: 41° 49.443 N/121° 33.415 W
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Site contents copyright 1996-2002 by Donald Laird - All rights reserved
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Donald Laird