Temporary Detention Camps for Japanese Americans - Fresno Assembly Center
California State Historic Landmark 934

#934 Fresno Assembly Center
This memorial is dedicated to over 5,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry who were confined at the Fresno fairgrounds from May to October 1942. This was an early phase of the mass incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II pursuant to executive order 9066. They were detained without charges, trial or establishment of guilt. May such injustice and suffering never recur.

Nothing remains of this site.
Fresno District Fairgrounds, front of Commerce Building, near S Chance Ave and Kings
Canyon Rd, Fresno.
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Please note: I have no connection to any organizations mentioned on this site.
Site contents copyright 1996-2000 by Donald Laird - all rights reserved
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Donald Laird